Theme 1: Natural Adaptation to Climate Change
Our goal is to understand how climate change will affect organisms that rural communities depend on, including crops, disease vectors, and conservation/sporting. We will look at new places where organisms will move in response to climate change. We will also look at how the changing of climate within a year affects yield and performance of organisms. Learn more…

Theme 2: Human Adaptation to Climate Change
Our work integrates research on climate change adaptation behaviors and cultural evolution. The core goal is to produce new insights on drivers and barriers for climate change adaptation among farmers and rural communities. Learn more…

Theme 3: Spatiotemporal Data & Models
Our goal is to make it easier to work with the complex data related to climate change that necessarily involves space and time dimensions. We seek to provide tools to make working with such data easier for scientists. We also seek to provide friendly ways for citizens to engage with and query this data. Learn more…

Theme 4: Outreach & Communication
We seek to use an ongoing public engagement process to support stakeholder buy-in and usage of the projects’ developed adaptation tools; to explore how best to communicate species shift models to the public; and to support data‐informed decision-making among farmers and other environmental stakeholders in New England. Learn more…