Theme 3 – Spatiotemporal data and models

Spacetime logo composed of a three dimensional data cube with a lifted layer, varying colors representing values, and a 1dimensional line extending to the right ending in an arrow.

SpaceTime library

SpaceTime is a code library which takes the grunt work out of working with datasets with different spatial sampling, geospatial projections, and temporal sampling. It is offered as both an R library and a Python library.

R library (based on the Python library)


Python library




The Barracuda Dashboard

The dashboard will hold most, if not all, of the published datasets produced by the Barracuda team. It allows a user to explore and visualize the data in an intuitive way. It currently has the following interim data products:

  • Pest atlas – Theme 1
  • Crop model – Theme 1
  • Species range shift – Theme 1
  • Crop switching – Theme 2

Screenshot of the datadashboard showing drop downs to select dataset, variable of interest, region of interest, and presents a heatmap below of the lower 48 united states showing the annual weather data with a slider to move change the year from 1950 - 2019.
Just the tip of the iceberg of the Barracuda Data Visualization Dashboard