Journal Articles

Supported by the NSF-funded Track-2 Award, Barracuda

Forthcoming: Maria Dornelas, Jonathan M. Chase, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Anne E. Magurran, Brian J. McGill, Laura H. Antão, Shane A. Blowes, Gergana N. Daskalova, Brian Leung, Inês S. Martins, Isla H. Myers-Smith, Chris D. Thomas, Mark Vellend. Looking Back on Biodiversity Change: Lessons for the Road Ahead. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

Xu, WB., Blowes, S.A., Brambilla, V. et al. Regional occupancy increases for widespread species but decreases for narrowly distributed species in metacommunity time seriesNat Commun 14, 1463 (2023).

Ulrich, Werner, Sfenthourakis, Spyros, Strona, Giovanni, Gotelli, Nicholas J. (2022). Simple null model analysis subsumes a new species co-occurrence index: A comment on Mainali et al. (2022). Journal of Biogeography, 49(12), 2321-2324.

Feng, X., Enquist B. J., Park D. S., Boyle B., Breshears D. D., Gallagher R. V., Lien A., Newman E. A., Burger J. R., Maitner B. S., Merow C., Li Y., Huynh K. M., Ernst K., Baldwin E., Foden W., Hannah L., Jørgensen P. M., Kraft N. J. B., … López-Hoffman L. (2022). A review of the heterogeneous landscape of biodiversity databases: Opportunities and challenges for a synthesized biodiversity knowledge base. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31, 1242– 1260.

Gotelli, N. J., Moyes, F., Antão, L. H., Blowes, S. A., Dornelas, M., McGill, B. J., Penny, A., Schipper, A. M., Shimadzu, H., Supp, S. R., Waldock, C. A., & Magurran, A. E. (2022). Long-term changes in temperate marine fish assemblages are driven by a small subset of species. Global Change Biology, 28, 46–53.

Hébert-Dufresne L, Waring TM, St-Onge G, Niles MT, Kati Corlew L, Dube MP, Miller SJ, Gotelli NJ, McGill BJ. 2022. Source-sink behavioural dynamics limit institutional evolution in a group-structured society. R. Soc. Open Sci.9:211743.

Gotelli, N. J., Booher, D. B., Urban, M. C., Ulrich, W., Suarez, A. V., Skelly, D. K., Russell, D. J., Rowe, R. J., Rothendler, M., Rios, N., Rehan, S. M., Ni, G., Moreau, C. S., Magurran, A. E., Jones, F. A. M., Graves, G. R., Fiera, C., Burkhardt, U., & Primack, R. B. (2021). Estimating species relative abundances from museum records. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1– 13.

McGlinn, D. J., T. Engel, S. A. Blowes, N. J. Gotelli, T. M. Knight, B. J. McGill, N. J. Sanders,and J. M., Chase. 2021. A multiscale framework for disentangling the roles of evenness, density, and aggre-gation on diversity gradients. Ecology, 102(2):e03233.

Dube, M.P. 2021. Deriving topological relations from topologically augmented direction relation matrices. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 23, 1-23.

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Merow, C., Boyle, B., Enquist, B.J. et al. Better incentives are needed to reward academic software developmentNat Ecol Evol 7, 626–627 (2023).

Carl K. Pohlman, Amber M. Roth, Mitschka J. Hartley, Malcolm L. Hunter, Brian J. McGill, Robert S. Seymour. Experimental natural disturbance-based silviculture systems maintain mature forest bird assemblage long-term in Maine (USA), Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 528, 2023, 120630, ISSN 0378-1127,

Seliger BJ, McGill BJ, Svenning J-C, Gill JL. Widespread underfilling of the potential ranges of North American trees. J Biogeogr. 2021;48:359–371.